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2019 (Total 12 International Journals)
46. Gi Dae Park1, Sung Jin Yang1, Jong-Heun Lee, Yun Chan Kang*, "Investigation of binary metal (Ni, Co) selenite as Li-ion battery anode materials and their conversion reaction mechanism with Li ions" Small 2019, 15, 1905289. <IF: 11.459, JCR Ranking Top: 7.17%> (1 These authors contributed equally to this work.)

45. Gi Dae Park, Yun Chan Kang*, "Aerosol-assisted synthesis of porous and hollow carbon-carbon nanotube composite microspheres as sulfur host materials for high-performance Li-S batteries" Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 495, 143637. <IF: 6.182, JCR Ranking Top: 2.38%>

44. Gi Dae Park, Jeong Hoo Hong, Dae Soo Jung, Jong-Heun Lee, Yun Chan Kang*, "Unique structured microspheres with multishells comprising graphitic carbon-coated Fe3O4 hollow nanopowders as anode materials for high performance Li-ion batteries" J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 15766-15773. <IF: 11.301, JCR Ranking Top: 6.70%>

43. Gi Dae Park1, Dae Soo Jung1, Jung-Kul Lee*, Yun Chan Kang*, "Pitch-derived yolk-shell-structured carbon microspheres as efficient sulfur host materials and their application as cathode material for Li–S batteries" Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 373, 382-392. <IF: 10.652, JCR Ranking Top: 2.45%>

42. Gi Dae Park, Jeong Hoo Hong, Jae Hun Choi, Jong-Heun Lee, Yang Soo Kim, Yun Chan Kang*, "Synthesis process of CoSeO3 microspheres for unordinary Li-ion storage performances and mechanism of their conversion reaction with Li ions" Small 2019, 15, 1901320. <IF: 11.459, JCR Ranking Top: 7.17%>

41. Jae Hun Choi, Gi Dae Park, Dae Soo Jung, Yun Chan Kang*, "Pitch-derived carbon coated SnO2–CoO yolk–shell microspheres with excellent long-term cycling and rate performances as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries" Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 373, 382-392. <IF: 10.652, JCR Ranking Top: 2.45%>

40. Yongju Yoo1, Gi Dae Park1, Yun Chan Kang*, "Carbon microspheres with micro- and mesopores synthesized via spray pyrolysis for high-energy-density, electrical-double-layer capacitors" Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 373, 382-392. <IF: 10.652, JCR Ranking Top: 2.45%> (1 These authors contributed equally to this work.)

39. Jin Koo Kim, Gi Dae Park, Yun Chan Kang*, "Germanium nanoparticle-dispersed reduced graphene oxide balls synthesized by spray pyrolysis for Li-ion battery anode" J. Korean Ceram. Soc. 2019, 56, 65-70. <IF: 1.674, JCR Ranking Top: 53.45%>

38. Ha-Na Kwon1, Gi Dae Park1, Yun Chan Kang*, Kwang Chul Roh*, "Fabrication of bimodal micro-mesoporous amorphous carbon graphitic carbon-reduced graphene oxide composite microspheres prepared by pilot-scale spray drying and their application in supercapacitors" Carbon 2019, 144, 591-600. <IF: 8.821, JCR Ranking Top: 10.03%> (1 These authors contributed equally to this work.)

37. Gi Dae Park, Jeong Hoo Hong, Jung-Kul Lee*, Yun Chan Kang*, "Yolk–shell-structured microspheres composed of N-doped-carbon-coated NiMoO4 hollow nanospheres as superior performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries" Nanoscale 2019, 11, 631-638. <IF: 6.895, JCR Ranking Top: 14.52%>

36. Ashok Kumar,1, Gi Dae Park,1, Sanjay K.S. Patel1, Sanath Kondaveeti, Sachin Otari, Muhammad Zahid Anwar, Vipin C. Kalia, Yogendra Singh, Sun Chang Kim,Byung-Kwan Cho, Jung-Hoon Sohn, Dong Rip Kim, Yun Chan Kang*, Jung-Kul Lee*, "SiO2 microparticles with carbon nanotube-derived mesopores as an efficient support for enzyme immobilization" Chem. Eng. J. 2019, 359, 1252-1264. <IF: 10.652, JCR Ranking Top: 2.45%> (1 These authors contributed equally to this work.)

35. Gi Dae Park, Jeong Hoo Hong, Seung-Keun Park, Yun Chan Kang*, "Strategy for synthesizing mesoporous NiO polyhedra with empty nanovoids via oxidation of NiSe polyhedra by nanoscale Kirkendall diffusion and their superior lithium-ion storage performance" Appl. Surf. Sci. 2019, 464, 597-605. <IF: 6.182, JCR Ranking Top: 2.38%>

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